Awards & Nominations
Our purpose: To educate, advocate and promote the well-being of our state and nation. Now and forever – We are the Guard!
Awards & Nominations
North Dakota Roughrider Award Winners
This award is given to someone who is recognized by the contribution of an individual who has given back to not only their respective association, but has put in the time and effort to better both organizations, therefore impacting the lives of Guardsmen both Officer and Enlisted…
2023 – MG Alan Dohrmann
2022 – SFC Chuck Votava
2021 – SMSgt (Ret) Chuck Kasin
2020 – Maj Gen (Ret) Michael Haugen
2019 – CPT (Ret) Randy Fuss
2018 – Carroll E. Quam
2017 – Col Christopher Domitrovich
2016 – MG (Ret) David Sprynczynatyk
2015 – SGM (Ret) Roger Johnson – Posthumously
NGAUS Awards
Meritorious Service Award
Recognizes individuals for significant contributions to the United States Government, the Armed Forces of the United States or the National Guard Association of the United States.
Maj Kimberly Nelson
Maj Nelson was responsible for and executed a 24/7, six-month operation in seamless coordination with the 603d Air Operations Center providing vital support for a EUCOM contingency response. As the mission lead for Operation ENDURING LOCATIONS, she spearheaded collaborative efforts with mission partners, enhancing the find, fix, track process for 4,200 real-world targets. Additionally, Kimberly demonstrated her commitment by deploying with one-weeks’ notice to US Army Garrison Wiesbaden for six weeks to fill a critical manning shortfall as a liaison officer with the Security Assistance Group-Ukraine. Finally, Maj Nelson’s volunteerism with local military and veteran events as well as leadership roles as a unit director and the scholarship committee chair in the National Guard Association of North Dakota set her apart from others.
LTC Benjamin Barille
LTC Barille has mentored and trained over 250 Soldiers in the CBRN Response Enterprise. Serving as the lead Project Officer for the 164 Engineer Battalion, he managed $1.8M in funding, organized training exercises, and facilitated the successful movement of equipment across states. His detailed planning and collaboration with various partners earned the battalion a T rating in all assigned Mission Essential Tasks. As a mentor and coach, he models mission command and servant leadership, fostering trust among teams. Active in his church, community, and Knights of Columbus, he volunteers with his wife for youth activities and his daughter’s gymnastics events. LTC Barille is the only Field Artillery Officer in the state of North Dakota. His passion for training on fire missions has led to success at Brigade Warfighters and unique opportunities for Soldiers in North Dakota and beyond.

Theodore Roosevelt Leadership Award for Company Grade Officers
Established to annually recognize the achievements and dedicated service of Army and Air National Guard junior officers who have demonstrated outstanding leadership and professionalism in their services to country and community.
CPT Amanda Tang
CPT Tang served as the 142 Engineer Battalion’s Anti-Terrorism Officer and Operations Security Officer, excelling in developing programs and measures for over 500 Soldiers at seven facilities. She earned the Emergency Service Ribbon for Operation Lone Star, demonstrating outstanding leadership as the Battalion Training Officer. Amanda volunteered as the National Guard Association of North Dakota’s co-director for her unit. She is recognized for mentoring Soldiers, promoting safety, and actively contributing to leadership conferences. CPT Tang’s unique leadership qualities position her as a driving force for change and a standard-bearer in the organization.
Capt Mitchell Mazaheri
Capt Mazaheri served as a pilot and deployed as a MQ-9 liaison officer supporting the George H.W. Bush Carrier Strike Group—the first US Air Force officer to act in this role. Captain Mazaheri enabled over 60 Air Tasking Order missions and over 600 combat support hours for Carrier Strike Group 10 and United States Naval Forces Europe. Furthermore, Mitch established and sustained the Hooligan Retiree Appreciation Fund, which honors Hooligan accomplishments and dedication to service while increasing unit Esprit de Corps. Mitch’s officership traits are inspiring to his peers as he continuously proves his significant value to the 119th Wing.
Eagle Rising Award for Warrant Officers
Established to annually recognize the achievements and dedicated service of Army National Guard Warrant Officers who have demonstrated outstanding leadership, technical skills, and professionalism in their services to country and community.
Chief Warrant Officer 3 Lee Renner
CW3 Renner volunteered and served as the 1-112 Aviation Battalion Unit Movement Officer and LUH-72 Lakota Pilot for a deployment to the Southwest Border Mission. Leading a coordination team with 342 Soldiers, 40 storage containers, 24 aircraft, and 37 rolling stock items, he switched airframes, logging over 300 safe flight hours, and detecting 983 undocumented migrants. Lee’s exceptional organizational and leadership skills earned him the Meritorious Service Medal. His voluntary commitment and adept handling of the deployment showcased his significant contribution to the 1-112 Aviation Battalion’s success.
Distinguished Service Medal
Recognizes an individual who, as a member of the Armed Forces (Active, Guard or Reserve), performed exceptionally outstanding service to the United States or to the National Guard Association of the United States.
MG Alan Dohrmann
MG Dohrmann distinguished himself as the North Dakota Deputy Adjutant General and the Adjutant General since his appointment in 2010. During his time in these roles, MG Dohrmann has advocated for and played a critical role in the passing of state legislation enhancing State Active Duty pay and benefits, exempting state income tax for current and retired military members, modernizing National Guard facilities, and supporting military families. His efforts have culminated in North Dakota’s status as one of the most military-friendly states in the nation. He has been a steadfast supporter of both the National Guard Association of the United States and the National Guard Association of North Dakota.

NGAND reaches 100% Membership Status
The National Guard Association of North Dakota received its fourth consecutive 100% membership award with the percentage based on the number of lifetime and annual members in NGAUS.

The NGAND team accepts their fourth consecutive 100% membership award at the National NGAUS Conference in Detroit, Michigan on August 24, 2024. Accepting the award were (left) Maj Brett Nelson, Executive Director, and (right) CW3 Steve Hoikkala, Chairman.
2024 ANG Unit Award
The 119th Wing received the William W. Spruance Safety Award at the National NGAUS Conference held in Detroit, Michigan from August 23-26, 2024. The Spruance Award is presented to the Air National Guard unit which makes the most significant contribution to accident prevention.
Col Chris Domitrovich, 119th Wing Commander, accepts the William W. Spruance Safety Award on behalf of the Airmen of the 119th Wing.

2024 Officer of the Year Winners
Outstanding Field Grade Officer
MAJ Ben Barille
North Dakota Army National Guard
Outstanding Field Grade Officer
Maj Kimberly Nelson
North Dakota Air National Guard
Outstanding Company Grade Officer
CPT Amanda Tang
North Dakota Army National Guard
Outstanding Company Grade Officer
Capt Mitch Mazaheri
North Dakota Air National Guard
Outstanding Warrant Officer
CW3 Lee Renner
North Dakota Army National Guard